EventsNorth Carolina

Big Idaho Potato Visits Hayesville, North Carolina

This week while in Hayesville, NC we had the opportunity to visit the world’s largest potato on wheels. The Big Idaho Potato is making it’s way across country, and we were lucky enough to be at one of the stops.big idaho potato
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Big Idaho Potato Visits Hayesville

Have you ever had the chance to see a big potato? I’m not talking about the giant baking potatoes found in the product aisles of the grocery stores. I’m talking about the BIG Idaho Potato? Our recent visit to Hayesville, North Carolina gave us the opportunity to visit this 6 ton potato and learn more about it’s charitable components.big idaho potato

Every year since it’s debut in 2011, the Big Idaho® Potato travels across the country helping communities through “A Big Helping.” In 2017 the truck is schedule to visit 60 cities, travel more than 23,000 miles, and help dozens of charities better serve their community.

What is “A Big Helping”
“A Big Helping” is the Big Idaho® Potato Truck’s charitable component. In most of the markets the Truck visits, it partners with a local charity. While in the market, a signature board is set up and for every signature collected, $1.00 is donated to the partner charity, up to $500. In 2016, the Truck made donations to more than 30 charities across the country!big idaho potato

You can also find the truck making an appearance at the Memorial Day Parade in Washington, D.C., attending the Potato Chip Festival in Saratoga Springs, NY and participating in the National Football Hall of Fame parade in Canton, OH.

The recent visit of the Big Idaho® Potato truck in Hayesville, NC benefited the Clay County Food Pantry and Matt’s Ministry. To learn how you can get the Big Idaho Potato truck to come to your neighborhood, you can visit them online and request an appearance.

Big Idaho Potato Fun Facts

• This massive potato would make 30,325 servings of mashed potatoes
• Could easily make over 1,500,000 average sized french fries
• Would take over 10,000 years to grow
• Weighs 6 tons, equaling 32,346 medium-sized Idaho potatoes.

To learn more about the Big Idaho® Potato Truck, visit their official site.

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