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New Belgium Brewing Tour: A Unique and Fun Experience For The Entire Family

We’ve been on numerous brewery tours throughout the years. To compare a brewery to another is something that I’d never do. They each are unique in their own way which adds to the experience. Out of all the tours we’ve been on, New Belgium Brewing Tour was definitely a unique and fun experience for the entire family!New Belgium Brewing Tour
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New Belgium Brewing Tour

Who doesn’t love a brewery tour? How about a brewery tour so fun that when it’s finished, your kids even ask when they can do it again? That’s what happened to us when we finished our New Belgium Brewing tour.

New Belgium Tour de fat

The day of the tour, we recommend getting there early, grabbing a bite to eat at one of their amazing rotating food trucks. Then kick back and relax and enjoy the activities that seem to always be going on.  Our boys love running around on the grounds and just having fun while they’re waiting on their food to be ready.  They are not only having fun, but burning off a little energy as well.New Belgium Brewing Tour

On the way into the liquid center you can let them know you’re there for one of the tours, and you’ll get your tickets at that time. One thing I want to mention is if you do decide to grab a drink before you tour kicks off…make sure you have plenty of time to finish it. While you can’t take what you already have with you on the tour..don’t fret. There are several tasting spots along the way…I promise!New Belgium Brewing Tour

The tour kicks off in the Brewhouse. Here you’ll learn about the brewing process while enjoying their flagship beer, Fat Tire. For those that can’t or don’t drink, at every stop you have the option for a glass of water.  Once you hear about the process and some company background, you’re free to check out the mash belgium brewing tour

Once leaving the Brewhouse area, you’ll continue down the halls and continue to learn about New Belgium and their inspirations for all their amazing brews. 

Did you say slide?

We were very surprised to see a slide during the tour. It was put in place to add a little fun to the workplace, but the cool part? You have the option to slide down it. While it isn’t mandatory, I’d recommend it. The boys enjoyed it so much, they asked if they could go back up the steps and do it again…Did they? You bet!New Belgium Brewing Tour

After the slide, you’ll go down a hallway to the lab area and stop for another beer tasting. I honestly wish I would have wrote down what I had here. But once again, for the kids and non-drinkers, there is water.

After this, you’ll continue to learn more and will approach your final stop overlooking the packing area. Here, you’ll have your final beer. This one I do remember! I actually chose Tartastic…which is one of my favorites. The boys decided to take a seat at the bar here to rest their legs and re-hydrate with their water.New Belgium Brewing Tour

If you’re ever in the Asheville, NC area, I would highly recommend this brewery tour. Tours do book up, so this is a stop that needs to be planned in advance.

Things to know

» Make tour reservations before you arrive, since the tours do fill up.
» If you get a drink before your tour, make sure you have plenty of time to finish it. You can’t take a pre-ordered drink on the tour. Let’s face it..who wants to waste a delicious beer?
» I would recommend arriving early and taking advantage of the delish food truck that may be on the grounds the day of your tour. » They do have a rotating schedule of food trucks. Head over the New Belgium’s site to see who’ll be there that day.

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